2 Gym Fitness Classes for Beginners !

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If you are a beginner in the gym, there’s no shame in being anxious when faced with the massive array of gym equipment you’ll see with when you first enter. This is a normal stage for most people when first starting out, it’s a whole new and unfamiliar world in there after all.

However, don’t stress, there is a fantastic option for you if you’re just starting out, or if you’re just not ready to train by yourself yet. This option, of course, is fitness classes.

Pump Gyms offers a wide range of different fitness classes to suit anyone, from Zumba and Boxercise, to Spinning and Yoga classes.

Below we’ll take a look at two of the best fitness classes for beginners:

Boxercise :

Boxercise is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a class where you perform classic boxing exercises to increase your strength and endurance.

A class like this where you’ll be hitting pads, working with medicine balls, and doing some challenging skipping routines is sure to get your heart pumping and your muscles working. These are the kinds of exercises to prepare your body for its new active fitness regime, making it an excellent choice for any gym newbie.

Yoga :

While Boxercise is perfect to get you used to being out of breath and active, Yoga is a terrific way to work on your stretching, balance, and breathing.

Aspects like stretching and breathing are important to work on as they can both affect how well you perform movements and exercises, as well as how safely you perform them. Stretching is the most important thing to learn as muscles need to be prepared before vigorous exercise, something some beginners do not pay enough attention to.

By perfecting the poses of Yoga that you will learn, such as the Yirasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana, you won’t just get used to preparing your muscular system for activity, you’ll begin enjoying yourself too.